You survived your growing up years, you navigated career and household responsibilities, and you’re perched on the edge of your Third Age – recently called “retirement” but now more likely to be a time of full engagement. You’re considering a future that may offer: flexibility, financial freedom or financial constraint, travel, spending more time with loved ones, opportunities to mentor in your career field or with a faith or community group, time to pursue causes that matter to you, and much more.

As you plan for these vibrant “retirement years,” where you choose to live is key because your living arrangements can help make all your other plans possible. Answering these 4 questions will set you on the perfect path for your third age.

  • What do I value most? Write down a few things that come to mind. These might be broad categories (giving and receiving love) or narrow specifics (the ability to walk to most things). Family members or close friends who have known you for many years will have observations on what you seem to value most too. At United Zion Retirement Community, what you value most matters to us, which is why we always begin by asking.
  • What keeps me healthy and happy? Make a shortlist of what contributes to you being the best version of yourself, enjoying wellness and full of spirit. This might involve close proximity to a network of friends, regular access to woods or great art or your grandchildren. It’s really about what you need in your environment to properly nurture your mind, your body, and your soul.
  • Knowing what I value and what keeps me healthy and happy, where do I want to live? With answers to the previous questions in hand, it’s much easier to narrow down where you’d like to call your home base during your third age. This could be anything from remaining in your current home to taking advantage of a variety of senior living products. A benefit of a Life Plan Community (also called Continuing Care Retirement Community) such as the United Zion Retirement Community is the worry-free independence it offers along with a full range of supportive care services for future needs.
  • When I need extra supports, who would I like to provide them? Again, you have ever-expanding provider options when you find you need additional care. Decide whether you’d prefer a stranger, a family member, or a caring and professional staff person in your community to attend to your heightened needs. Home care, Personal Care, and Skilled Nursing are all available at United Zion Retirement Community with staff literally just steps away. Our right-sized neighborhood is a great place to carve out personal space while also getting to know neighbors and caring staff.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of choosing a continuing-care retirement community. Additionally, visit our website to learn more.

Need help navigating retirement living options? Contact us today for helpful advice. Also, feel free to give us a call at (717) 627-8421.

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